How Does Exercise Affect Insulin Resistance?

by Hannah Dan
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While exercise is often recommended in the media by experts, the modern lifestyle has made it harder for people to exercise every day. This has increased the cases of obesity around the world, a disorder that is a leading cause of several conditions like insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.

Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas that plays a critical role in controlling blood sugar levels in the body and keeping them in a normal range. In other words, it determines how your body uses and stores blood sugar (glucose.)

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance refers to the body’s inability to respond to insulin, resulting in increasing blood sugar adequately. It describes a condition where the body cells stop responding correctly to the insulin hormone. It is the opposite of insulin sensitivity, which is essentially the body’s ability to respond to insulin properly.  

A person who has insulin resistance has low insulin sensitivity, while a person who is sensitive to insulin has low insulin resistance. You could refer to them as two sides of the same coin.

Symptoms of insulin resistance included high insulin and blood sugar levels, excess belly fat, high blood triglycerides, and low HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It is a hallmark of Type 2 diabetes, but it can occur in Type 1 diabetes as well.

How does exercise reduce insulin resistance?

Physical activity can significantly help decrease insulin resistance. People with insulin resistance often have too much glucose in their blood, which is either because the body is unable to produce enough insulin or it doesn’t use it properly.

People who are suffering from insulin resistance are often advised to exercise regularly because physical activities enable the body to reduce glucose. When you engage in exercises, your muscles use glucose even without insulin, which means your blood sugar levels go down automatically.

The more you exercise, the more your body makes use of glucose, and the more your cells can make use of the glucose more effectively. One of the frequently asked questions about exercise, and insulin resistance is about the type of physical activities that yield the most results.

While experts are torn between aerobic exercises and strength training, it turns out that both types of exercises can actually get the job done. Aerobic exercises that involve repeated movements like swimming, jogging, and walking can help burn glucose as much as strength training like weight lifting and sprints.

Nonetheless, keep in mind that the intensity and duration of your workouts will determine the amount of blood sugar that your body will use up. Also, supplements like Femito (フェミート) can rev up your metabolism during exercises.

Other traditional benefits of exercises include:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Better control of weight
  • Increased levels of good cholesterol (HDL)
  • Leaner, stronger muscles
  • Stronger bones
  • Improved mood
  • Better sleep


People with insulin resistance are often overweight, so consider developing an exercise plan that will make workouts less daunting for you, and don’t forget to eat Femito products for maximum results. You can visit Femito right here

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